I read, and I eat. This is a blog about what I consume.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cornbread from Scratch--because really, is there any other way?

I know, I know! I have not been updating regularly. I'm getting back in the swing of things at school, and I'm recovering from the first-of-school fatigue, so hopefully I'll be back in the habit soon. Since this was our second full week of school, I was exhausted yesterday when I got to the high school at 7: 15; imagine my surprise then, when I walked into a pitch black building. Apparently a transformer blew at some point during the night, and three of our six wings were completely without power. No big deal, you've got windows you say! True, but we don't have air-conditioner, and by 9:00 a.m., twenty-two 10th graders sitting in 86 degree heat with no air moving do not smell of roses. School was released by 10:00 when the administration realized that there was no quick fix. Thank the Lord, I have an impromptu four-day weekend!

Since I've got so much time on my hands, I've been watching Food Network throughout the morning as I catch up on laundry, dishes, and all other neglected household chores that take a back seat to work, including resetting my table for Fall. But I felt compelled to blog today because in my viewing, I've witnessed two Food Network stars--Paula Dean and Giada DeLaurentis--use a store-bought cornbread mix! I would be willing to give Giada a pass, what with her Italian background and all, but Paula Dean? Really? I was appalled. I mean, why would anyone choose to use a mix when making it from scratch is about as easy as it gets? And then it occurred to me, some people may not know how to make it from scratch--it took a while to wrap my head around this concept, and I'm pretty sure that Mrs. Dean knows the from-scratch variety, but perhaps in making her food audience accessible, she chose a mix because people are more comfortable with that.

And so, in an effort to correct the wrongs of Food Network, I'm offering this simple, from-scratch cornbread recipe, straight from my mom to your table. (Yes, I learned this from my mom, but I do have a few changes, I'll note those throughout, so if you're going for super traditional, you can omit them). Enjoy!

From-Scratch Buttermilk Cornbread
Courtesy of Annette Clark

1 1/2 C buttermilk
1 egg
1 C yellow cornmeal
1/2 C flour *I use bread flour because it makes a slightly fluffier, more porous finished product
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1-2 TBSP oil (I use Canola)
*1/2 C grated cheddar cheese
*1/3 C crispy, chopped bacon
*1/4 C chopped pickled jalapenos

Cast-Iron skillet (A must!)
2 mixing bowls

The Process
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees, and put the skillet with oil in it on med-high heat on the stove.
2. Mix all dry ingredients together and set aside. Don't include the bacon, cheese or jalapenos yet.
3. In the other mixing bowl, add buttermilk, egg (whisk prior to adding), and slowly whisk in dry ingredients. 
4. If you choose to use any of the add-ins (not in the original recipe) add them in once batter is mixed, stirring to evenly distribute.
5. Once oil is hot, sprinkle a light layer of cornmeal over the skillet to prevent sticking, and make a crunchier outer crust.
6. Pour the batter into the skillet and put the skillet in the oven for approximately 30 minutes. You're looking for a pretty, golden brown color. 

I think the best way to serve cornbread is with a generous helping of good butter, or (and this is how I ate it when I was a kid), slice it open sandwich style, and add butter and miracle whip. It is also delicious served along side a hearty soup, stew, or chili. ENJOY!